Monday 18 June 2012

Special Cendol Bakar Kuala Selangor

Hye peeps..
Ade sape2 yg fanatic ngan cendol x? especially tym panas2 or hujan…haha…June 10th 2012 aritu, I decide ngan my hubby nak pergi jalan2 n we choose Kuala Selangor…even xde specific place nk pergi..nice kan..but otw balik dari KS, we all pit stop kat satu kedai kedai nih CENDOL sgt2 sebab kt cni leh tambah cendol sesuke hati and seberape byk yg korg nak…

ni lah outside view kedai tu..simple but buat orang tergoda..haha :')

they got varieties of cendol kt situ but my fam & i choose cendol+pulut+durian..looks like they blended the cendol with durians together...ade jugak kalo nak try cendol+pulut+tapai...such a unique menu they've try to served..

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